skyline picture sunset city of memphis michigan

Contact Us

Contact Us!

The City of Memphis is looking forward to hearing from you. Please call us or stop by to discuss you request.

Office Number

Fax Number

(810) 392-3625

map to google maps link for city of memphis
skyline picture city of memphis michigan

City Council & Community Links

city council city of memphis michigan link
community links for city of memphis michigan
skyline picture city of memphis city of memphis michigan

Department Contacts Located
On Individual Department Pages

link to assessing page city of memphis michigan
link to building department city of memphis michigan
link to clerk treasurer for city of memphis michigan
fire department link city of memphis michigan
police department link city of memphis michigan
public works link city of memphis michigan
parks and rec link city of memphis michigan
planning department link city of memphis michigan
zoning board link city of memphis michigan
