Fire Department

Contact Us

Chief: Doug Pratt – Chief / MFR

Emergency: Call 911
Phone: 810-392-2185

AVAILABLE 24 HOURS through St. Clair County Central Dispatch

Address: 35095 Potter St,
Memphis, MI 48041

Emergency Information

The Warning Information Notification System is notification system that will allow Public Authorities to notify you in the case of an emergency situation such as Tornado, Severe Weather, Evacuations or other emergency situations that effect life and safety. In addition to Emergency Notices you can “opt-in” to receive information on non-emergency situations from a variety of entities.

St. Clair County WINS

Job Application

Memphis Fire Department needs new members! Apply to join our dedicated group of first responders who balance their professional life with the life of a firefighter.

Apply Now


The Memphis Fire Department is a community volunteer fire department. Consisting of a dedicated group of first responders who balance their professional life with the life of a firefighter.


The fire department has a long history of protecting our community. Established in 1925, the Memphis Volunteer Fire Department began operations and was one of the first organized fire departments in our area. Since this time many changes have taken place over the years with technology, training and personnel. Instead of only fighting fires, we now do rescue work and are trained for medical responses and hazardous material situations. The responsibilities and expertise the department provides has expanded since the days of fighting fires only.


Our mission though, remains the same – “To protect life and property of the people of our community with the highest quality of service possible”. In order for us to serve you better, we ask that you make sure your address is clearly visible on your mailbox, house or on a green address sign.

Service Area

Our department operates out of one station and we are paid-on-call, which means we do not live at the station. We only respond to calls when we are needed from home or work. We generally staff about 20 members and respond to calls in the City of Memphis as well as an 89 square mile service area, including parts of Richmond, Wales, Riley, and Columbus Townships. We respond to approximately 400 calls per year in both the city and the townships.

Remember, if you have an EMERGENCY — CALL 911!

Forms & Applicatioins

Reflective Address

Make your home’s address more visible with a new reflective address sign. Place your order at Memphis City Offices. Order Form
